The picture is of St James' Church, Castle Bytham, where my ancestors (according to the Parish Registers) must have been married. You can learn more about the church here.
Picture copyrighted to Ron Cole.
This blog is an adjunct to the One-Name Study for the Eayrs family (membership number 48210). This blog caters for those interested in anyone with the 'Eayrs' name (or variants!), anywhere and at any time. Correspondence for the Eayrs One-Name Study blog should be directed to eayrs@one-name.org. All correspondence relating to this blog should be either in the form of comments to the posts or - if privacy is required- to martin@eayrs.com.
Just a couple of corrections.
L to R Mrs E.G Eayrs, Robert aged two, Estelle 3 and a half, behind Warren 15, Barbara 13, and Mr W.E.P Eayrs, a family of six from Islington leaving Euston today. They are going back to Perth where Warren was born.
The family had returned to England for a holiday and were trapped by the war.
In case the comment above seems strange in the context it was actually intended to accompany the preceding posting - 'Off to Australia". [ME]
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